Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In the name of Math!

We met some new friends this summer from Iowa! Jason, Rachel, Annelisa, and Jonathan Grout came to San Diego for 6 weeks this summer all so that Jason (the Dad) could do some math research! He's a professor in Iowa and was invited to come out here for the summer. It was such a cool hook-up for them because they got to stay in a furnished apartment, (a ritzy one, at that!) for 6 weeks and tour the sights of San Diego, well, at least Rachel and the kids did. Jason got to... research! Thanks, Jason! We enjoyed hanging out with your family!
The grouts did a babysiting swap with us for date nights. Annelisa was a few months younger than brooklyn, but wanted to do a lot or most of the things that she saw Brooklyn doing, dressing up in hats, wands, and tutu's, wearing pigtails, and even sucking her thumb! Sorry about that one, Rachel! She even had curly light-brown hair and huge eyes (brown).

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