Monday, April 23, 2012

Month Two with Jack

 Since February was "Museum Month" here in San Diego, Stephen took the kids to the Science Center one beautiful Saturday.  Although the kids aren't looking at the camera, I like the blue sky, water fountain, and fancy big museum in the background.
 Here's Brooklyn and her teacher at a monthly super star assembly at Doyle Elementary where she was recognized among many other students for being a good citizen. 
 Here are some awesome puppets that my friend Lindsay made for her kids this past Christmas. 
She is amazingly creative and talented!
 Jack doing tummy time
 The brothers
Ian saved the day by comforting Jack with a pacifier when the baby woke up while I showered.
Jack got his first massage while I took him with me on a girls-only (plus Jack) overnight getaway in Carlsbad.  Too bad that we were having too much fun that I didn't capture anything else on camera!

Here's Dad and Brooklyn getting Jack ready for church.

Jack had to get some blood drawn, so they put this little warming pack on his tiny foot. So cute!  But I felt so bad that he was so happy and content, not knowing that we were about to poke him!

The kids got hold of the camera and this shot was taken by Ian.
Brooklyn made little love notes for the family on Valentine's Day.

The two month photo shoot

Snuggling up for a nap

1 comment:

the Koch's said...

Jack is such a cutie pie! I need to come see him in person. My sneak peak at the temple was not enough. What a little love-bug.