Monday, February 7, 2011

Four Women and a lot of Children

Back in December, my sweet friends and college buddies Tiffany and Jennette road tripped it down to San Diego with their 6 (total) children to visit Mandy (also a college buddy) and me. We had enough children between the 4 of us to create a regular preschool.Here are the moms and our offspring...
It really is crazy to see that some of my friends have really kicked up the mommy gear and already have a full brood. Tiffany (on the left) has four kids already and her oldest one is about 6 weeks older than my oldest. To her credit, she has the most darling little set of fraternal twins.
The kids loved playing on the mounds of sand. Apparrently I'm the "lenient parent" who let them roll around in it and then watch them bound off to toward the ocean.
Who can resist running wild and free on a long stretch of beach? I just read a picture book about Walt Whitman tonight (it was one from my old classroom library) and he ran on "private beaches" all the time, naked! At least we kept the little ones clothed!


Ruth said...

I didn't realize you were friends with Mandy in college. She's amazing. Love the posts!!!

mlletiff said...

That day was so fun! I'm so glad we have all taken the time to keep our friendships up so our kids can enjoy the same benefit of wonderful friends! Let me know when you are up here so we can get together. With the kids, before our girls weekend! Love ya!