Thursday, October 30, 2008

YES on Prop 8

I don't know if most of you are aware of Prop 8 here in California.  Desirae and I have been volunteering quite a bit of time to help promote the passage of this proposition.  It will amend the California State Constitution to state that marriage is only between a man and a woman.  I've had quite a few discussions with people at work and even on the street.  On the street because I've stood on street corners holding signs in favor of prop 8.  (Needless to say I've been told that I'm # 1 quite a few times.)  It's amazing how much hatred and bitterness those who oppose this proposition have.  I've come to realize that those who oppose this proposition actually believe that gay people are born that way.  What a lie of the devil.  People can choose to behave and become whoever they wish to be.  What worries me the most is that if Prop 8 doesn't pass, gay marriage will be taught in schools.  Suddenly home schooling doesn't seem such a crazy idea.  Anyhow,  I thought that this was an enlightening video:



Unknown said...

Without a gospel context it's pretty hard to convince someone that genetics (put poorly, being born gay) does not play a role in homosexuality, when in fact it may. That doesn't mean that it's right or that it's any different from someone whose father and grandfather have bad uncontrollable tempers and the son is likely to have a bad temper. I'm actually taking reproductive endocrinology right now and it definitely puts some interesting twists to gender being an eternal element (which I believe, of course)! I think the video really does shed some light on some of the adverse consequences to something that on a very superficial level might seem benign.

jessandbryce said...

wow homeschooling doesn't sound like such a bad idea to me either. how sad that it has come to this.

Desirae Badger said...

I'm actually going to take a genomic's test this week to get my genes tested. I'll let you know the results. By the way, if anyone else wants the test let me know. This week only it's a mere $150 (usually it's around $2,000).
